FAQS - General

What is a professional certificate?

A professional certificate is an earned credential explaining that the named holder possesses certain knowledge and/or specific skills. While they can be issued internally by companies to their employees or tied to certain products (such as IT certifications), the processional certificates indicated here are recognized across an entire professional field. They often require job experience, additional education, and testing requirements. In short, when individuals see that you have a certificate, they understand that you know how to do a specific job. 

Because certifications are intended to remain unconnected to any individual employers, it is important to select a well-respected credentialing organization. NREPSM is recognized by multiple government agencies, branches of the military, and state governments. 

Do online certifications matter?

Some certifying organizations do not provide certifications in a traditional, face-to-face, classroom setting. Instead, they use either prerecorded or online workshops delivered over the internet. The most important part of a certification is the organization providing the credentialing in most cases, not the method by which the information is delivered. Verify the program you’re interested in comes from a reputable certifying body. 

Who is Environmental Certification For?

Environmental certifications are designed for individuals currently working or desiring to work in the environmental industry. NREPSM offers 23 different certifications in varying degrees of specialization, from generalist certifications such as Registered Environmental Professional®® to more specified designations such as Mold Awareness Specialist, Certified Environmental and Safety Financial Officer, and Registered Environmental Laboratory Technologist. Many programs offered by NREPSM allow for relevant work experience to be substituted for educational requirements. 

Are all Environmental Certifications the same?

No. Each certification will differ in content reviewed or taught, amount of work experience required, amount of education required, and difficulty of testing. Additionally, every certification will be viewed differently based on the certifying body that issued it. NREPSM has existed since 1987 and is the oldest and most recognized environmental nonprofit credentialing organization. 

What are the benefits of being certified?

An NREPSM credential can distinguish you as the most qualified to perform tasks of protecting, preserving and managing the environment. NREPSM provides many other benefits to certified members. These benefits include:

  1. Listing within NREP'SMs Official Registry of Environmental Professionals

  2. Certification of your qualifications by NREPSM to clients, employers and governmental agencies

  3. Opportunities for career advancement, including promotions and pay increases

  4. Recognition of environmental knowledge and experience by many city, state, and federal government agencies. Including:

    • United States Department of Energy (DOE)

    • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    • United States Air Force

    • United States National Guard

    • United States Army

    • State of Alabama

    • State of Texas

  5. Committee participation dealing with exam and credential development, national conferences, environmental education programs, local and regional affiliated organizations

Why should I consider certification?

Certifications are an excellent way to show that you are keeping your expertise up to date with current trends and required skills within your respective industry. Professionals seek certifications for many other reasons, some of which include:

  1. They show that your skills are current

  2. They provide you with personal satisfaction that you’ve mastered new material

  3. They show initiative, when certifying is not required

  4. They separate you from your peers 

  5. They can advance your career and improve your chances of promotion

  6. They verify to management that your skills have been validated

  7. They raise management’s confidence in your level of professional expertise

How and by whom are the certifications administered?

NREPSM programs are administered by the National Registry of Environmental Professionals®, headquartered in Glenview, IL. Completed applications, along with additional necessary documentation, are submitted to the Application Review Board for eligibility. Those meeting the eligibility requirements are then approved to attend a workshop and take the exam, take a computerized exam or granted the certification (Grandfathering Opportunities).

Upon successful passing of the exam, NREPSM issues a certificate to the candidate.  

Will I get full refund if I am no more interested to give exam?

NREPSM doesn't provide full refund after candidates makes the complete payment for their application and examination. In case we do return any funds, NREPSM keeps the application fee.

Why Employers Should Seek NREPSM Credentialed Holders?

Hiring NREPSM credentialed holders can significantly enhance the safety, efficiency, and compliance of your organization. NREPSM credentials represent a high standard of expertise and commitment in the EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) field. Here are key reasons why you should consider NREPSM credentialed professionals:

Benefits of Hiring NREPSM Credentialed Holders:

  • Enhanced Compliance: NREPSM credentialed holders possess in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements and best practices, ensuring your organization stays compliant with all relevant laws and standards.
  • Improved Safety Culture: These professionals are trained to identify and mitigate risks, fostering a proactive safety culture that can lead to fewer accidents and incidents.
  • Operational Efficiency: With their expertise, NREPSM credentialed holders can streamline EHS processes, reducing downtime and improving overall operational efficiency.
  • Reputation and Credibility: Employing NREPSM credentialed professionals demonstrates your commitment to high EHS standards, enhancing your organization’s reputation and credibility with clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.
  • Risk Management: They are skilled in conducting thorough risk assessments and implementing effective control measures, minimizing potential liabilities and financial losses.

What It Can Do for Your Company/Organization:

  • Ensure regulatory compliance and avoid costly fines and legal issues.
  • Create a safer work environment, reducing injury rates and associated costs.
  • Enhance operational efficiency and productivity.
  • Boost your organization's reputation and stakeholder confidence.
  • Mitigate risks and protect your organization's assets and workforce.

What Separates NREPSM Credentialed Professionals from Other EHS Certifications

N credentialed professionals are distinguished by their comprehensive training, rigorous certification process, and ongoing commitment to professional development. Key differentiators include:

  • Extensive Training: NREPSM credentials require extensive education and hands-on experience in EHS, ensuring a deep understanding of complex safety issues.
  • Rigorous Certification: The certification process for N credentials is highly stringent, including thorough examinations and practical assessments.
  • Continuous Learning: NREPSM credentialed professionals are committed to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest EHS trends and regulations.
  • Broad Expertise: They possess a wide-ranging knowledge base that covers various aspects of EHS, making them versatile and highly capable in diverse situations.
  • Professional Network: NREPSM Credentialed professionals are part of a robust network of EHS experts, providing valuable resources and support.

Site-Specific Training and Its Benefits

Choosing NREPSM for site-specific training and certifications at your facility can offer numerous advantages:

  • Tailored Solutions: Training programs are customized to address the unique challenges and needs of your specific site, ensuring maximum relevance and effectiveness.
  • On-Site Expertise: Our trainers bring their expertise directly to your facility, offering hands-on, practical instruction that directly applies to your operations.
  • Immediate Implementation: Employees can immediately apply what they learn, leading to quicker improvements in safety and efficiency.
  • Convenience and Flexibility: Training at your site minimizes disruptions and allows for flexible scheduling to suit your operational needs.
  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: On-site training fosters greater employee engagement and participation, leading to more effective learning outcomes.

Professional Staffing Services

NREPSM is now offering professional staffing services to organizations seeking elite EHS professionals, whether for full-time positions or contractual fill-ins. Our services include:

  • Written Plan and Program Development/Review: We provide expert development and review of comprehensive EHS plans and programs tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • EHS Training: Our professionals offer a wide range of training programs to ensure your staff is well-versed in the latest EHS practices and standards.
  • Safety Audits and Inspections: We conduct thorough safety audits and inspections to identify potential hazards and recommend corrective actions.
  • Incident Investigations: Our experts perform detailed incident investigations to uncover root causes and prevent future occurrences.

Continuing Education for NREPSM Registrants

At NREPSM, we are committed to the continuous professional development of our registrants. We now offer a range of continuing education opportunities designed to keep NREPSM credentialed professionals at the forefront of the EHS field. These include:

  • Advanced Training Programs: Specialized courses to enhance existing skills and knowledge.
  • Industry Updates: Regular updates on the latest trends, regulations, and best practices in EHS.
  • Professional Development Workshops: Interactive workshops focusing on emerging issues and advanced techniques.
  • Networking Opportunities: Events and forums to connect with other EHS professionals and share insights.

By choosing NREPSM for your EHS needs, you are ensuring your organization benefits from the highest standards of safety, compliance, and operational excellence.