
Submitted on October 14, 2020
Natural resource managers fulfil a variety of roles in protecting our natural resources. Their job is to ensure that all land use activities comply with regulations and meet the needs of land-owners while protecting the environment. Some specialize in specific areas of land use such as range management, forestry, or soil and water conservation. 
Submitted on August 25, 2020
An environmental Audit provides an assessment of the environmental performance of a business or organization. The audit reveals details about the activities of a company and its compliance with environmental regulations. Audit information is presented to the management team and employees.
Submitted on August 14, 2020
The National Registry of Environmental Professionals® is hosting a 5-week online workshop for candidates wanting to prepare for the Registered Environmental Manager® Certification Examination. The 5-week workshop will be held once a week every Thursday from 1pm – 4pm CST followed by the computerized examination in a testing center.
Submitted on July 28, 2020
An Environmental Auditor is responsible for auditing the environmental policies and procedures of a company, agency, or business and setting up protocols for better implementation of environmental policies and standards. To understand the job of an environmental auditor, it is important to understand what an environmental audit is and how it is used.
Submitted on June 24, 2020
The workplace has changed with the advent of Covid-19 and the slowing of the economy, but there is much you can do during this time to benefit your career in the future. During a recession, people start thinking about going back to school or working on certifications. In general, this is a good strategy and pays off in the long term.
Submitted on April 16, 2020
When many socially conscious individuals hear the word “industrial,” they tend to think of businesses that do more harm than good, manufacturing that hurts the environment and takes advantage of workers. Fortunately, such preconceptions are far from accurate — and much of the reason why owes to industrial hygiene professionals.
Submitted on April 9, 2020
For decades, environmentally minded individuals have found themselves increasingly troubled by the issues facing our planet. Sometimes, though, passionate rhetoric and high-minded ideals can make one lose sight of the practical steps that will ensure a better future for everyone and everything. No one wants destroyed forests, poisoned soil, and a rapidly decaying atmosphere, but how do we actually avoid them?
Submitted on March 27, 2020
Industrial Hygiene Professionals are the environmental scientists who protect work environments from job hazards such as industrial chemicals and hazardous processes. They are vital to workplace safety and may work in a variety of situations.
Submitted on March 11, 2020
Industrial hygienists are vital to workplace safety. They protect the work environment from industrial chemicals and processes and may find themselves working in a variety of situations. Occupational Health & Safety Specialist is another name for an industrial hygienist.
Submitted on January 29, 2020
The National Registry of Environmental Professionals® offers environmental certifications with online applications. If you meet the requirements, you can apply and follow your progress through their online interface. An online workshop is offered for certification in some fields.
Submitted on January 9, 2020
Certifications are not required for success in the environmental sciences, but they certainly help. A professional certification declares to employers, clients, and others that you have knowledge and skill in the environmental field.
Submitted on November 11, 2019
The National Registry of Environmental Professionals® is hosting a two-day workshop for candidates seeking the Registered Environmental Manager Certification.
Submitted on October 30, 2019
Certification as a Certified Environmental and Safety Compliance Officer® (CESCO) identifies professionals who have the experience and a proven understanding of the laws and regulations in the field.
Submitted on September 23, 2019
An Associate Environmental Professional (AEP) may assist in a variety of environmental projects. They collect data for Environmental Assessments or other environmental projects, assist in planning for disaster preparedness and more.
Submitted on August 19, 2019
Environmental scientists integrate the use of the physical sciences and biological sciences with real data to find solutions to environmental problems.
Submitted on July 15, 2019
We are facing an era of rapid societal changes and environmental sustainability challenges that must be solved for society, businesses, and governments to move forward.
Submitted on June 19, 2019
An environmental certification, issued by a respected third party, shows employers and clients that you are qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in the environmental field.
Submitted on May 21, 2019
Registered Environmental Managers are responsible for the environmental management of a company. They plan, execute, and monitor the company’s environmental procedures and practices to the benefit of employees and the environment.
Submitted on April 25, 2019
The National Registry of Environmental Professionals® (NREPSM) has been certifying professionals in the environmental industry since 1987. We offer a variety of environmental certifications that help environmental professionals advance in their careers and be recognized for their highly specific and specialized skills.
Submitted on February 25, 2019
National Registry of Environmental Professionals® (NREPSM) is excited to announce that it will now be offering online workshops for its Registered Environmental Manager (REM®) certification!
